
Endobronchial Tamponading
Tracheobronchial Stenting
Endobrochial Laser Transbronchial Needle Aspiration

Bronchoscopy is a technique of visualizing the human airways using an endoscope called bronchoscope. It is a thin tubular instrument that can be flexible or rigid (metallic) fixed with a video camera at one end and viewer at the other. Flexible bronchoscope is more common than rigid type as there is no need to give anesthesia and can be performed easily as an outdoor or daycare procedure in the Bronchoscopy suite or even bedside of the patient. videobronchoscope is an advanced equipment which replaces the flexible bronchoscope. It has a charged couple device at its tip which captures images and relays to a video-processor unit which then displays the images on a monitor. The images, thus produced are magnified and much sharper. Multiple images can be examined together, video recordings performed and shared with the patients.
The airways are like hollow tubes starting with one large sized which then divides into multiple smaller ones. The windpipe (trachea) is the main and the largest. It divides into right and left bronchi, each of which then divides into lobar followed by segmental and sub-segmental bronchi. Bronchoscope is introduced through the nose or mouth, passed through the throat (pharynx), vocal cords (larynx) to enter the windpipe (trachea). It is then passed into the right or left bronchi, the lobar bronchi and then the segmental bronchi. Through the bronchoscope the physician is able to visualize the abnormality in the airways such as inflammation, tumors, bleeding and for taking tissue samples or mucus, if any, and perform various procedures which help in making the accurate diagnosis and guide appropriate treatment.
The entire procedure usually takes no longer than 5-7 minutes however the various procedures, if carried, out may require additional time.

Bronchoscopy is performed to evaluate various problems like:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Persistent cough
  • Coughing up blood
  • Abnormal chest X-ray

The various diagnostic procedures that can be performed are: Endobronchial Visualisation :

  • Bronchial Washings and Lavage (BAL)
  • Bronchial Brushings
  • Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (TBNA)
  • Endobronchial and Transbronchial Lung Biopsy (BLB/TBLB/TBB)

It is one of the most effective ways of diagnosing lung diseases such as Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Lung cancer Bronchitis, Sarcoidosis and a host of other diseases involving lungs, airways and lymph ods inside the chest (mediastinal glands).

It could also be used, therapeutically for:

  • removing foreign bodies from the airways
  • to place a stent (a tiny tube) to open a collapsed airway due to pressure by a mass or tumor
  • to remove a mass or growth that is blocking the airway
  • for temporary control of bleeding from the airways.

The various therapeutic procedures performed include:

  • Endobronchial LASER
  • Airway Dilatation and Stent placement
  • Brachytherapy catheter placement
  • Balloon Tamponading
  • Foreign Body Removal

The procedure is simple and safe in expert hands. There are usually little or no complications from this procedure. Some of the possible complications include:

  • Fever: A mild fever may occur but is rare. Over-the-counter fever medicine will help.
  • Nosebleed: Since the lining the nose is very delicate, a nosebleed may occur. Typically, it will stop on its own.
  • Stridor: If one has stridor, it may temporarily get worse due to the effect of the medicine used during the procedure.
  • A change in voice or noisy breathing may occur, but is also usually temporary.
  • Wheezing: patients with a history of lung disease, such as asthma, may need additional medication to treat signs of wheeze both prior to and after the procedure.
  • Hemoptysis : some amount of blood may appear on coughing for a day or two in patients in whom TBNA or TBB have been performed but is usually self limiting.
  • Pneumothorax : the chances of lung rupturing and air leaking out are there but very low. This occurs only if TBB has been performed.

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Dr.Vivek Nangia felicitated by Her Royal Highness Princess Royal at London

Dr.Nangia was one of the five Physicians from across the globe and the only one from India to be felicitated by her Royal Highness Princess Royal of London on successfully completing the prestigious program of infectious diseases.

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