Pneumonia – a common illness in winters

Author :

Dr Vivek Nangia

  • Chief of Pulmonology, Cluster 1, MaxHealthcare India
  • Principal Director and Head, Institute of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, Max Hospital, Saket Complex, New Delhi

Come winters and people start suffering from cold, cough, fever. While most cases are that of simple flu, some may be of Community Acquired Pneumonia, commonly known as CAP. Infact, people who develop flu, can sometimes develop pneumonia as a secondary infection. Cold, dry air and tendency of people to gather indoors in close proximity during cold periods, enhances the likelihood of both airborne and contact transmission of flu and pneumonia causing microorganisms.

Pneumonia is an infection that involves the air sacs in one or both lungs. It is a prominent cause of suffering and death with great clinical impact across the globe. India accounts for 23% of global pneumonia burden with a case fatality rate ranging from 14 to 30%.

It can range in severity from mild to serious and even life threatening illness. A variety of organism including bacteria, viruses and fungi can cause Pneumonia. The most common bacterial pathogen is Streptococcus Pneumoniae, followed by Hemophilus Influenzae, Atypical organisms and Gram Negative Bacteria like Klebsiella and Pseudomonas.

The risk factors for acquiring Pneumonia and developing its complications are extremes of ages (< 2 years and > 65 years), smoking, alcohol intake, and presence of comorbidities like Diabetes, Chronic Lung diseases like Bronchial Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Interstitial Lung Disease, Chronic Heart Disease, Chronic Kidney and Liver Diseases, leak of brain fluid, cochlear implant, and any immunosuppressive state like AIDS, cancers and prolonged courses of steroids and immunosuppressive therapy.

The symptoms usually range from cough, phlegm production, rust colored sputum, fever, chest pain to breathlessness, respiratory failure and drop in blood pressure.

A diagnosis of pneumonia is reached on the basis of typical symptomatology, physical examination, some blood tests, sputum examination and a chest X Ray.

Early treatment initiation with appropriate antibiotics is very essential for a successful recovery. People who develop any of the above symptoms must see their physicians immediately. The usual duration of antibiotics is 5 to 7 days. Complications, that can develop despite appropriate therapy, include spread of infection in the blood (Bactremia), sepsis, drop in blood pressure (Shock), Multi-organ involvement, development of pus inside the chest (Empyema), formation of lung abscess and death.

Pneumonias can be prevented by following good hygiene practices, not smoking or quitting to smoke and taking appropriate flu and pneumococcal vaccinations.

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Dr.Vivek Nangia felicitated by Her Royal Highness Princess Royal at London

Dr.Nangia was one of the five Physicians from across the globe and the only one from India to be felicitated by her Royal Highness Princess Royal of London on successfully completing the prestigious program of infectious diseases.

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